Sunday, March 30, 2014

ogre at the plastic club

I presented the work of motion heads at the plastic club's "philadelphia independents" screening of local animators on saturday, march 29th. the evening was lively and full of enthusiasm, with the work of 12 different animators represented, including old friends and reunited colleagues, and a diverse group of artists present to celebrate the work of their peers.

sequence iv, lasting only a minute or so and in various stages of shot completion, screened before a receptive audience. it has been a long haul, but a moment like this gives one the motivation to keep on going through to the finish line, and also gives insight into the work that is not so easy to discover just looking at it on one's own.

deep and sincere thanks for the efforts of my motion heads team. sad not to continue to be working with some anymore, but grateful for everyone's time and energy.

so, onward and onward...

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

list of plastic club presenters

motion heads will be presenting a work-in-progress excerpt of "the ogre & the mermaid" at the plastic club's "philadelphia independents" screening on march 29th, 7pm. Follow this link for a list of the animators who will be showing work there, with links to their work.